Father Desire, Father Wounds
Part 2 of 2
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Susan Schwartz. She'll go over the impact of absent – physically or emotionally – and inadequate fathers on the lives and psyches of their daughters through the perspective of Jungian analytical psychology. You'll learn from Schwartz about her description of the modern mother; the strengths of single mothers; qualities that comprise the mother archetype; the mother complex; and Who mothers the mother?
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: Beyond 50
*If you missed our past interviews, the archives can be accessed on our podcast network and YouTube Channels: 50beyond, beyond 50 radio, and Conscious Movie Reviews.

University of Oregon Presents 28th Annual
Good in the Hood Multicultural Music Festival
June 26 - 27
(Livestream Event)
Join us for a fun filled weekend of live Jazz, Blues, R&B, Latin, Pop, Conscious Hip/Hop, and NEO-Soul...Hosted by MC Seezinin and DJ Pryce Miiyagi. Headliner: Andy Stokes. This is a FREE, 2021 Virtual Festival. Donations are always appreciated. It will be held as a virtual festival, from June 26 - 27, from 3 - 7 p.m. Donations are always accepted. Register early for a chance to win raffle prizes! Get your tickets before May 10th to be automatically entered. Prizes Include: Wine tasting for 4 - Tickets to a Private Concert - A Bike - T-Shirts - and More! To register, visit www.goodnthehood.org/2021-festival.
Throughout May
(Virtual Event)
Ceramic Showcase and The Gathering of the Guilds have extended their spring online event through the month of May! The website features more than 200 exceptional artists, from 6 Pacific Northwest guilds, working in metals, glass, wood, beads, fibers and clay! You can treat yourself or find beautiful gifts for Mother’s Day, weddings, birthdays and other celebrations. To find your favorite artists and discover how to buy online, attend their in-person events, or contact them for purchases, visit www.nwguildsshowcase.com.
Type I Collagen is the body’s most abundant type of collagen and the most important structural protein, making up nearly 90% of every tissue from hair and skin to muscles and bones.
Benefits for all ages:
• Composed of Type 1 liquid collagen
• Contains essential amino acids like glycine, glutamine and arginine which are necessary for replenishing the body’s collagen supply
• Used in over 7900 hospitals and burn centers in the U.S.
• Raw sourced from grass-fed cattle
• Blended with fruit enzymes and antioxidants
• Two delicious flavors – Orange Cream and Strawberry Banana
Healing portraits are created with individual or couple's image & incorporate symbols, semi precious stones, crystals, gold leaf and images on painted canvas. Offered by Jane de Forest, visit janesinspiration.com.
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