For Beyond 50's "Nutrition" talks, listen to an interview with Dr. John Poothullil. He developed the Fatty Acid Burn Theory — a more logical explanation of the real cause of Type 2 diabetes. When we eat carbohydrates, primarily grain-based foods, our bodies create a tremendous amount of glucose. Our cells can only store so much of this glucose as fat. Once fat cells become full, fat gets broken back down into fatty acids, which muscles burn faster than they burn glucose. Glucose stays in the blood, raising blood sugar levels. The key dietary strategy Dr. John outlines is to get less than one-third of your total daily food energy intake from carbohydrates.
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: Beyond 50
*If you missed our past interviews, the archives can be accessed on our podcast network and YouTube Channels: 50beyond, beyond 50 radio, and Conscious Movie Reviews.
Saturday, June 25
Join us as an athlete or spectator for the 50th Annual Portland Masters Track Club
Track & Field Classic Meet! The club is dedicated to the promotion of track and field
events for men and women 19 years and older. Many of the members are 40 and above. We invite you to experience the friendly competition and camaraderie of track & field at our 50th meet or Sunday morning practice. It will be held on Saturday, June 25, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon. Visit

Amazon bestseller in seven countries! Available in digital, paperback and hardcover.
For Beyond 50's "History" talks, listen to an interview with Charlotte Dennett,
a lawyer, author and researcher. Many say, "Follow the money" to track
criminal activity. When it comes to Pipeline Politics, that's a deadly
game for oil and natural gas on a global level, you follow the pipeline.
little known and underlying reason for the conflict in Ukraine is about
Snake Island in the Black Sea, located 20 miles from the Ukrainian
coast, that covers only 42 acres, and with a population of about 50
people. The Black Sea holds a vast amount of oil and 2 trillion gallons
of natural gas. When combined with Eastern Ukraine's unexplored supply,
the country has the 2nd largest reserve of natural gas in the world.
This is why Putin has been focusing on Eastern Ukraine and the Black
On February 24, Russia captured Snake Island at the start of the conflict. There continues to be fierce fighting over it.
is an Energy War. Many in the news media are either not aware of the
Pipeline Politics over Snake Island, along with the port city of Odessa
nearby, or hiding this truth from the public. They've only reported that
it's of strategic importance for the Russians to place a military base
on the island and be able to control maritime activity in the vicinity.
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: Beyond 50
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