Vibrational Nutrition:
Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods
For Beyond 50's "Natural Healing" talks, listen to an interview with Candice Covington. She is a certified aromatherapist, massage therapist, healing arts master, and energy worker. She'll talk about the vibrational signatures of the foods we eat and how they help form the energetic structures that influence our behaviors and spirit. By choosing foods that resonate with your natural vibrational patterns, you can use your diet to fine-tune your energetic body, remove negative energy patterns, and consciously craft a positive state for body, mind and soul. Covington will also explain how to interpret food cravings and aversions on an emotional and spiritual level.
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: Beyond 50
Life gives you LIFE!
Life Enzyme Blend features living enzymes sourced from plants to unlock true health! Life unlocks the nutrients in your food to contribute to better nutrition and overall health. Life combines the benefits of vegetarian full-spectrum enzymes, stabilized probiotics, and prebiotics for complete digestive support.
Better Health, Better Life:
• Adds enzymes and probiotics to your meals*
• Breaks down lactose, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins*
• Supports healthy digestion of cooked and processed foods*
• Releases trapped nutrients from food*
• Helps relieve the feeling of bloating*
• Supports healthy bowel regularity*
• Soothes stomach*

Intuition & Art
April 18, 25, & June 2
Interested in learning how to unlock the secrets of your own intuitive ability? In this fun and informative course, you will learn my "automatic art" technique, discover your unique Psi code, learn the chakra anatomy of intuition and how ancient ancestors created mystery schools to dispense this forbidden knowledge. The skilled practice of "automatic art" as a tool for divination, and the process of consulting your inner self and your spirit guides for knowledge, is an essential part of bringing your voice and the wisdom of your helping guides to bear on personal, and world issues. Taught by Jane de Forest, this workshop offers you a rare opportunity to practice methods for contacting your personal guidance and to enhance your intuitive-psi abilities. You will learn how to interpret the messages to your questions. You will also experience the classic shamanic journey to reach non-ordinary states of consciousness and learn ways to build and nurture strong relationships with your own guides and inner wisdom. Each class builds on itself, each class will be recorded & will be on Zoom. Cost: $175 regular; $125 early bird - limit 9 people to each class - BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and single mom scholarship, email me for details, email Jane for details: Times: Part One is on Sunday, April 18, from 6 - 8 p.m. (PT); Part Two on Sunday, April 25, from 6 - 8 p.m. (PT); and Part Three on Wednesday, June 2, from 6 - 8 p.m. (PT). For more details and to register, visit
We've got a new category called "Pet Care" to feature past interviews and upcoming talks that promote the health and well-being of your animal companion. Here are some examples:
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