The Gift of the Body:
A Multi-Dimensional Guide to Energy,
Anatomy, Grounded Spirituality
and Living Through the Heart
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Jonathan M. Goldman. He is a licensed acupuncturist and creator of the Chakra Map and a healing approach called Transformational Energy Healing.
Goldman will talk about how to create a new internal paradigm that activates living through your heart. He'll describe how thought forms, emotions, energetic material, beliefs and spiritual qualities live and operate in the five energy layers that are within (our spiritual bodies) and around the human body.
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: Beyond 50
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Richard LaPlante. He is a renown expert in Japanese martial arts with a focus on strength training and the art of breathing. He'll talk about his midlife journey of becoming unexpectedly single at the age of 64. Plunged into loneliness and despair, he gradually began a process of healing and self-realization, interspersed with sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant attempts to find true love through online dating.
To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link:
Beyond 50
Hidden Meanings Behind the "Wonder Woman 1984" Movie (Spoilers)
Selected by "Conscious Movie Reviews," "Wonder Woman 1984" is an action-adventure and fantasy film. A theme within the film is about the harmful effects of having an absent father, based on the teachings of Jungian Psychologist Susan Schwartz. Set in 1984, Diana Prince has remained single since World War I and working at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. When her co-worker Barbara Minerva, a gemologist, is tasked with identifying the Dreamstone, a stolen antiquity, they discover that it has the power to grant a wish for its user.
The Conscious Life Expo is the oldest and most established New Age, holistic, consciousness expanding conference in the world. People gather annually to explore innovative technology, design and ideas. This year, instead of being at the Hilton LAX, it will be, for the first time, an online, virtual conference and speaker series. The exhibition is FREE, just download the app, and the lecture series has varying prices. Check out all the options here: www.consciouslifeexpo.com
It will be held from Feb. 19 - 21. Times are Friday, February 19, Exhibit Hours: 3 - 9 p.m.(PST); Saturday, February 20, Exhibit Hours: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. (PST); and Sunday, February 21, Exhibit Hours: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. (PST). Jane de Forest’s Booth is in the Exhibit Hall, Aisle 2. Jane will be available on Zoom during the entire Expo, please stop by & say hello or book a session!
Meeting ID: 946 6563 5782
Passcode: 735027
What is it that new or seasoned gardeners want? Healthy, happy plants and rich wonderful soils. There are several ways to support healthy soil biology, some more labor and cost intensive than others. AlgaeGrow™ makes it simple. Made from live fresh-water algae and other supplements, it restores and balances soil biology which supports soil structure. This increases yields, water holding capacity and leads to nutrient rich, flavorful fruits and vegetables. To learn more and to purchase, go to www.algaegrow.com. Beyond 50's Note: Listen to an interview with Jeffrey Scott entitled "AlgaeGrow: The Science of Soil Regeneration."
February is Black History Month
Beyond 50 honors the many Blacks who have made great contributions throughout America and around the world.
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